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Enabling Asynchronous Recruitment Screening Through AQuiz

About The Customer

Axelerant is a digital experience agency that offers integrated strategy, design, and engineering services. Customers include software partners like Acquia and Red Hat, digital agencies like Blue State and Wunderman Thompson, and institutions like Stanford University, The United Nations, and Doctors Without Borders.

Customers rely on Axelerant for custom development, cloud infrastructure management, and quality assurance, using leading Cloud and open-source technologies to build scalable, secure platforms.

Headquartered in India, with subsidiaries in the U.S., Canada, the U.K., and the E.U., Axelerant has a uniquely empowered workforce of 200+ fully distributed team members connected across six countries.

  • 500+

    Projects Delivered

  • 200+

    Team Members

  • 12+

    Years Of Service Excellence

  • 9/10

    Net Promoter Score Average

Challenges in Learningdesigned | Axelerant

The Challenge

We faced several challenges while handling client calls and a lengthy developer recruitment process:


  • Decline In Billable Hours


The engineering team spent valuable time screening candidates who often lacked basic skills, significantly reducing billable hours.


  • Developer-Recruiter Alignment


The recruitment team couldn't process candidates quickly enough due to limited developer availability for collaboration.


  • Measuring Candidate Efficiency


As a remote-first organization, it was nearly impossible to measure how long it took a developer to solve a given problem.

Drupal Audit for Learningdesigned | Axelerant

The Solution

We deployed a modern web application using Laravel, React, Inertia, Digital Ocean, and Laravel Forge.

The goal was to streamline the screening process, enable asynchronous collaboration between the development and recruitment teams, and measure candidate efficiency in a remote-first setup.


  1. Questionnaire Platform

    We built a platform for managing questions across any technology stack that Axelerant uses or may use in the future.

  2. Asynchronous Collaboration And Validation

    The platform allows Axelerant’s development team to validate candidates asynchronously in minutes, moving them swiftly to the next step.

  3. Time-Bound Tests

    The recruitment team can set time limits for tests, preventing candidates from submitting answers after the time expires.
Results of Drupal Audit | Axelerant

The Result

Axelerant now has a robust developer screening platform with intuitive navigation and a timer to evaluate candidates’ potential precisely. This has led to:


  • Reduced Screening Time: Turnaround time improved significantly, with screening time dropping from days to minutes, as Axelerant could send the questionnaire/quiz to candidates immediately upon application.

  • Faster Developer Recruitment: Hiring goals were achieved more quickly by scheduling interviews with pre-screened candidates.

  • Asynchronous Collaboration: The recruitment team no longer depended on the engineering team's bandwidth, reaching their goals sooner.

  • Prioritized Product Development: Developers saved several hours each week on screening, allowing more focus on product development.

  • Increased Scope/Bandwidth: With a larger pool of engineers, Axelerant was able to take on more IT projects.

Project Highlights

  • Onboarding Stakeholders

  • Creating Job Roles and Descriptions

  • Setting Up Questions

  • Analyzing Candidate Performance

  • Facilitating Asynchronous Collaboration

Onboarding Stakeholders

Both the recruitment and engineering teams are successfully onboarded into the platform. This activity ensures that all relevant parties are well-versed in utilizing the system for their respective functions, fostering a collaborative environment from the onset.

Onboarding Stakeholders

Creating Job Roles and Descriptions

The recruitment team can create job roles and descriptions based on specific requirements, allowing them to define clear expectations and criteria for each position. This enables hiring managers to focus on crafting relevant and effective tests for candidates.

Creating Job Roles and Descriptions

Setting Up Questions

Engineers can now set up questions that test candidate proficiency as per their expertise level across various software development technologies. This feature ensures that the screening process is thorough and tailored to assess the necessary skills for the job.

Setting Up Questions

Analyzing Candidate Performance

The recruitment team can analyze candidate performance at a glance using intuitive dashboards and reports. This functionality streamlines the decision-making process, allowing recruiters to efficiently identify candidates who are qualified for the next round of interviews.

Analyzing Candidate Performance

Facilitating Asynchronous Collaboration

The platform supports asynchronous collaboration, allowing recruiters, developers, and candidates to complete the screening process without the need for real-time meetings. This flexibility reduces scheduling conflicts and accelerates the overall recruitment timeline.

Facilitating Asynchronous Collaboration

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