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Oct 30, 2015 | 2 Minute Read

DrupalCon Asia: Track Chairs From Axelerant

Table of Contents


Gearing up for DrupalCon Asia 2016? The track chairs have been announced, and the session submission deadline is next week.

Two of Axelerant's team members will be Track Chairs.

Case Study Track

This will allow participants to display and explain their best work. Presenters will delve into the details of their project—team members, processes, challenges scaled, etc. It’s an opportunity to inspire others and showcase the power of Drupal technology.

Piyush Poddar - DrupalGive - Axelerant Piyush Poddar - DrupalGive - Axelerant


Piyush PoddarCast Studies Track Chair

He has passion for contribution, giving back to the Drupal ecosystem by evangelizing, organizing, speaking, and supporting various events—Cons, Camps, Meetups, and more. Piyush kicked off his involvement when participating in the Drupal.org Redesign Initiative in 2010.

Piyush lives in Jaipur with his family and escapes from work by watching movies (preferably WWII genre). As is his won't, he’s constantly networking and participating in local entrepreneurial groups, startup forums, and the likes.

Coding and Development Track

As PHP and Drupal evolve, coding and development projects change. The way projects get done shaping a new way for Drupalers to code. This track is centered on how to’s, educating the community on how to use new processes and tools to exceed and achieve greatness.


Hussain's Session 'PHP then and now' - DrupalCamp Delhi 2015 Hussain's Session 'PHP then and now' - DrupalCamp Delhi 2015


Hussain AbbasCoding and Development Track Chair

He started writing programs in 1997 for school competitions and never stopped. His work focus is architecting solutions using Drupal and enforcing best practices. He has dabbled with x86 assembly, NET framework, LAMP stack, and related technologies. He also participates in the local developer community meetup for PHP in general and Drupal in particular.

Hussain lives in Bangalore with his family. When he is not working, he travels, takes photos and does a healthy amount of daydreaming. He sees writing code as pure poetry, and if it isn’t, he can’t sleep. He does a lot of photography but rarely processes the shots.

Know How Track Chairs Are Selected?

Track chairs are recommended to Drupal Association, or they volunteer for the position, have a successful interview, and then are then appointed by the Lead DrupalCon Asia Coordinator, Amanda Gonser. Every track has at least three track chairs—two are Global Chairs because of their participation at previous DrupalCons. The third track head is the Local Track Chair. These are the seven DrupalCon Asia tracks:

  1. Business
  2. Case Studies
  3. Coding and Development
  4. Contributions
  5. Frontend
  6. Mobile
  7. Site Building

There are hundreds of session submissions and going through them all is no easy task. Every track will have a lineup formed through an unbiased, joint-review.

What do you want to see at Drupalcon Asia?

About the Author
Nathan Roach, Director of Marketing

Nathan Roach, Director of Marketing

Germany-based consumer of old world wine and the written word. Offline you can find him spending time with his wife and daughter at festivities in the Rhineland.

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