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Aug 27, 2024 | 4 Minute Read

From Sourcing To Offer: How Streamlining Virtual Recruitment Cuts Time And Costs

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Recruitment has come a long way since the early days of online job boards. Today, AI and automation are reshaping how companies find and hire talent.

With the global recruitment market projected to reach $521.3 billion by 2028, AI's influence is undeniable and poised to revolutionise the industry. Yet, the core challenge remains: finding suitable candidates without escalating costs. Traditional hiring processes are notoriously slow and costly, with the average cost per hire reaching $4,000 and taking 36 days to complete.

Imagine sifting through hundreds of resumes weekly, competing in a tight talent market while maintaining a personal touch with each candidate. It's a daunting task that, without the right tools, can quickly lead to recruiter burnout.

Automation offers a solution. By streamlining processes from sourcing to offer, companies can reduce time and costs and enhance the overall candidate experience—making recruitment as efficient as it is compassionate.

The Power Of Automation In Recruitment

AI-powered recruitment tools empower recruiters by automating routine tasks, allowing them to focus on what truly matters: finding and engaging suitable candidates.

Good talent is out there; the challenge is giving recruiters the time and resources to connect with it. By freeing time from administrative tasks, recruiters can build meaningful relationships with potential hires.

Automation tools handle recruitment's mundane, time-consuming aspects with remarkable speed and accuracy. From screening hundreds of resumes to scheduling interviews, these tools process massive volumes of data without breaking a sweat, ensuring everything runs smoothly.

Axelerant's Intelligent Automation

At Axelerant, we've seen firsthand the impact of automation. By integrating AI into our recruitment processes, we've streamlined operations while enhancing our ability to attract and retain top talent.

The result? A more efficient, human-centric approach that allows us to focus on what we do best: building a driven team.

Real-World Results

By implementing automation tools, we achieved an 83% reduction in time-to-hire. This significant improvement allowed us to fill critical positions faster, maintaining project momentum and client satisfaction. Our automation solutions eliminated repetitive tasks, freeing our team to focus on what matters most—creativity and innovation. This led to better outcomes for our clients and a more dynamic workflow.

Broader Implications

Cost Savings and Efficiency

The reduced time-to-hire translated into substantial cost savings. We cut operational expenses and improved overall efficiency by minimizing manual tasks and speeding up decision-making. This created a ripple effect that enhanced our recruitment process and allowed us to allocate resources more strategically, driving long-term growth.


Tailored, Scalable Solutions

Our automation tools were integrated with our current systems and customized to meet our needs. Automation became a natural part of our process, enhancing efficiency without disrupting our flow.


Streamlined Recruitment

Our automated recruitment tools improved the candidate experience, speeding up the sourcing process and enhancing candidate quality, leading to smarter hiring decisions.


Proven Impact and ROI

Our Intelligent Automation team helped achieve 10% faster project delivery and cut operational costs by 15%. With quicker decisions, smoother transitions, and fewer errors, our solutions delivered accurate, measurable results.

Streamlining The Recruitment Process

Streamlining recruitment

Sourcing Automation

Axelerant uses AI-driven predictive hiring to enhance candidate quality and fit. This approach has reduced recruitment cycle time by 86%, allowing us to identify top talent faster and more accurately.


Candidate Screening

For our HR team, systems like Pinpoint minimize bias, promote diversity, and accelerate selection. By integrating timely communication, we improve the candidate experience, making them feel valued and informed throughout the process.


Interview Scheduling

We've automated interview scheduling and reminders to reduce manual intervention and minimize errors. This speeds up the hiring process and ensures a seamless experience for candidates.


Background Checks and Compliance

Axelerant's automated background checks are fast and accurate, ensuring compliance with regulatory standards. Our system is designed to handle complex checks, ensuring every hire meets our hiring criteria.

Overcoming Challenges With Intelligent Automation

Implementing automation comes with challenges, but at Axelerant, we've developed strategies to tackle these obstacles head-on.

Overcoming challenges with automation

Opportunities Unlocked By Automation

Streamlined Sourcing

Automation expands our reach by casting a wider net and gathering talent from various platforms simultaneously.


Improved Screening

Automation quickly filters through vast numbers of applications to identify top candidates.

According to a report by SHRM, companies using AI-driven screening tools reduce the time spent on initial candidate selection by up to 70%, allowing recruiters to focus on the most promising prospects.

Enhanced Engagement

For any organization, automated communication means better and faster communication, which increases candidate response rates. Candidates are more engaged when they are kept informed.


Efficient Scheduling

Tools that sync calendars and schedule interviews can reduce the time spent on logistics by up to 90%, according to data from TalentCulture. This efficiency speeds up the hiring process, ensuring we keep top talent from competitors.


Data-Driven Decisions

Data helps you understand where to focus efforts, which channels yield the best candidates, and how to optimize the process for future success. Leveraging recruitment data is like using a GPS for your hiring strategy.


Bias Reduction

Talent knows no boundaries, and automation ensures they don't limit you. Unconscious bias can sneak into human assessments, but automated tools help eliminate this by focusing solely on skills and qualifications.


Cost and Time Savings

Companies that automate critical aspects of hiring save up to 50% on recruitment costs and reduce time-to-hire by an average of 60%, according to Deloitte.

These savings allow you to reallocate resources to other critical areas of the business.


Compliance Assurance

Regulatory compliance in recruitment is essential; automation makes it as straightforward as flipping a switch. Automated record-keeping ensures that all necessary documentation is up-to-date and accessible.


Personalised Experience

Tailoring candidate interactions based on data makes a lasting impression. Automation ensures that each candidate feels valued and understood.


Seamless Onboarding

Automation ensures new hires integrate smoothly with the organization. A seamless transition helps new employees hit the ground running, contributing to the company's success from day one.

The Future Of Recruitment Is Automated

Peter Drucker said, "Efficiency is doing things right; effectiveness is doing the right things." Automation frees recruiters from time-consuming tasks and enables them to focus on building meaningful relationships.

The system might be termed automation, but it makes the entire process more human, which Axelerant strives to deliver with its services.

Learn more about our unique automation proposals from the Director of IA services, Michael Cannon.

Remember to share your comments and feedback with us!

About the Author
Michael Cannon, Director of Intelligent Automation
About the Author

Michael Cannon, Director of Intelligent Automation

Living remotely in Taiwan with 4 incredible sons, 3 playful cats, and one fiery partner. As Director of Intelligent Automation @Axelerant, they are dedicated to building trust in Axelerant as your go-to agency partner through their journey in #Automation, #Empowerment, and #Productivity.

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