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Sep 30, 2016 | 1 Minute Read

September 2016 Axelerant Insider

Table of Contents



Five of us went to DrupalCon Dublin but before that, Michael and Nathan spent September traveling to Malaysia and India—Kuala Lumpur, Delhi, Jaipur, Pune, Bangalore, Kolkata, and Gurgaon. They went to meet with clients, hold strategic discussions, attend two international events, and connect with team members from across India. And in Gurgaon, our leadership met to discuss realigning Axelerant’s Open Source platform support for our clients.


DrupalCon Dublin 2016

Three sessions were given by our team members: Piyush, Aliya, Prabhat, and Shani. The official photography team was lead by our COO, Michael. He has a knack for capturing Open Source events around the world as a way of giving back. He’s been leading the photography for two DrupalCons now: DrupalCon Asia and DrupalCon New Orleans.


Meeting in Gurgaon

Our leadership met in Gurgaon to discuss realigning Axelerant’s Open Source platform support. Our team will be re-launching an offering designed to provide constant customer satisfaction for our clients without variation. This restructuring places a Customer Success Manager within every support project to ensure client priorities are met by our teams.



About the Author
Nathan Roach, Director of Marketing

Nathan Roach, Director of Marketing

Germany-based consumer of old world wine and the written word. Offline you can find him spending time with his wife and daughter at festivities in the Rhineland.

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