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Nov 29, 2016 | 1 Minute Read

November 2016 Axelerant Insider

Table of Contents




Web support is too often an afterthought. For both clients and vendors, CONTENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (CMS) SERVICES are: launch first, support and maintain later. But from our clients' perspectives, supporting digital platforms is a matter of their success or failure—quality delivery here matters and should never be seen as secondary.

Focusing on customer success, and driven by a more empathetic and holistic approach to support and maintenance, Axelerant is evolving our services. We said that this November, we'd provide more details about Axelerant Flow.

Changes include the introduction of the role of Customer Success Manager, replacing Project Managers who are more internally focused. This will bridge a gap often responsible for non-empathetic delivery, adding efficiency by eliminating redundancy. 

Process-wise, there is a need for continuous feedback to contributing departments.  Validating between the vision and action. We've yet to execute our support projects in this way, but our approach is taking form and it's nearly ready. Ask us questions about what this will look like.


Axelerant proudly sponsored DrupalCamp Delhi 2016 as a Gold Sponsor. We also contributed in organizing the camp via our Community Manager, Parth Gohil, who lead the efforts in the core team. Axelerant was also represented by team members as session presenters and trainers.

The sessions presented were: Don't Just Upgrade Your Module to Drupal 8, Modernize it by Hussain Abbas, Art of Community Management: Lessons & Stories from India by Parth Gohil, and Drupal 8 Migration Training by Mohit Aghera.



About the Author
Nathan Roach, Director of Marketing

Nathan Roach, Director of Marketing

Germany-based consumer of old world wine and the written word. Offline you can find him spending time with his wife and daughter at festivities in the Rhineland.

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