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Jul 31, 2024 | 3 Minute Read

How To Solve Organizational Complexity With Customer Journey Mapping

Sreenivasan Kasi Viswanathan, Director of Customer Experience

Table of Contents


Leaders report that silos of customer data that are inaccessible throughout the entire organization (30%) and a fragmented system to provide a unified view of the customer experience across touchpoints (38%), represent their biggest obstacles to implementing a data-driven customer experience strategy. Informed journey mapping offers a solution, providing a cohesive view of the customer journey and enabling organizations to streamline their CX efforts.

Understanding Organizational Complexity

Organizational complexity results from several interconnected issues. Understanding these problem statements is crucial to addressing them effectively-

1) Fragmented Customer Feedback Systems

“We are surrounded by data, but starved for insights.”~ Jay Baer, customer experience expert

Disjointed systems for gathering feedback lead to data silos, hindering communication and warping the organization's view of the customer. Breaking down these silos is crucial for gaining accurate and meaningful customer insights.

2) Inconsistent Customer Experience Management

“Different teams may have different approaches to handling customer interactions, resulting in a lack of uniformity” ~Sreenivasan Kasi Viswanathan, Director of Customer Experience, Axelerant

Managing customer experience across various teams and systems without standardization leads to inconsistencies. This in turn causes a ripple effect, leading to dissatisfied customers and higher churn rates.

3) Difficulty In Maintaining A Clear View Of Customer Interactions

 “80% of consumers are likely to buy from brands that indulge in personalized interactions” - Future of CX report, PwC

Customer interactions are key to providing personalized customer experiences and building stronger customer relationships. However, fragmented systems make it challenging to track and understand the entire customer journey. Without a clear view of customer interactions, it becomes nearly impossible to understand how customers engage with the brand at different touchpoints. This lack of visibility can result in missed opportunities to enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty.

4) Challenges In Identifying And Addressing Customer Friction Points

"Proactively identifying customer friction points is just the beginning; proactively solving them is what ensures success.”
~Sreenivasan Kasi Viswanathan, Director of Customer Experience, Axelerant

Customer friction points are the obstacles or issues that customers encounter while interacting with a brand. Businesses must identify, analyze and address these problems since they have a big impact on decision-making, client loyalty, and satisfaction. Moreover, this helps you stand out from the competition as it positively impacts your brand reputation and positions your company as being responsive to the demands of its customers.

5) Lack Of A Unified CX strategy And Technology Platform

“ Even though organizations are using more technology than ever before, 93% of the leaders said that they are still missing key unifying features from their customer experience management (CXM) platform or current CX tech stack.”


A unified approach to CX is necessary to ensure consistency and effectiveness. Without the perfect balance between a cohesive CX strategy and tech stack, efforts to improve customer experience are likely to be disjointed and less impactful. A unified CX strategy enables organizations to coordinate efforts across teams, streamline processes, and ensure a consistent and high-quality customer experience. 

The Solution : Customer Journey Mapping

Journey mapping is a method that provides a holistic view of the customer experience by connecting various touchpoints and interactions. This approach can effectively address the complexities mentioned above and streamline business operations.

Why Is Journey Mapping The Right Method To Use In This Scenario?

“Journey mapping turns chaos into customer clarity”
~Sreenivasan Kasi Viswanathan, Director of Customer Experience, Axelerant

Customer Journey mapping has various benefits when it comes to managing organizational complexity. It enables businesses to map out the customer journey, pinpoint important touchpoints, and gain a thorough understanding of all customer interactions. By creating a customer journey map, organizations can identify inconsistencies, gaps, and friction areas that require attention.

How Customer Journey Mapping Solves Organizational Challenges

Journey mapping helps solve organizational challenges by:

  • Identifying and addressing areas of fragmentation: By pinpointing touchpoints where customer feedback and experiences are fragmented, journey mapping allows organizations to take actionable steps to unifying these elements.
  • Standardizing experiences: Customer journey mapping facilitates the standardization of customer interactions across the organization by offering a clear picture of the customer journey.
  • Improving CX management: By fully understanding the customer journey, organizations can better manage CX and guarantee a consistent, high-quality experience.

How To Implement Customer Journey Mapping The Right Way

Implementing journey mapping correctly is crucial for reaping its benefits. Here’s how to do it effectively:

Informed vs Uninformed Journey Maps

Before implementing journey mapping, it is crucial to understand the type of journey map you should be focussing on. 
Informed journey maps are data-driven, based on actual customer feedback and interactions. Whereas, uninformed journey maps are based on assumptions and may not accurately reflect the customer experience.

If you want to reap the benefits of customer journey mapping, choosing informed journey maps is the best step forward. Informed journey maps help you gain valuable insights and implement them without having to rely on your gut instinct. 

How To Create Informed Journey Maps

Creating informed journey maps involves several key steps:
Gathering Customer Feedback: Collect feedback from various touchpoints using a standardized system. This feedback should be comprehensive and cover different aspects of the customer experience.

  • Analyzing Touchpoints: Identify and analyze key touchpoints along the customer journey. Understand how customers interact with the brand at each stage.
  • Validating Insights: Validate the insights gained from feedback and touchpoint analysis. Ensure that the journey map accurately reflects the customer experience.

The Bottom Line

Informed customer journey mapping is a powerful tool for solving organizational complexity and improving customer experience. By providing a cohesive view of the customer journey, journey mapping helps organizations identify and address fragmentation, standardize experiences, and enhance overall CX management.

With Axelerant’s CX Strategy and Journey Mapping services, you can improve customer satisfaction, increase loyalty, and boost profitability. Moreover, our CX experts are here to help you navigate the complexities of customer experience with clarity and effectiveness, ensuring a consistent and high-quality experience for all customers.

CX Strategy and Journey Mapping Services



What are the key components of a customer journey map?

The key components include customer feedback, touchpoint analysis, journey phases, customer emotions, pain points, and opportunities for improvement. These elements provide a comprehensive view of the customer experience and highlight areas for enhancement.

How to start customer journey mapping?
Start by gathering comprehensive customer feedback and analyzing key touchpoints along the customer journey. Create a visual representation, identify pain points, validate insights, and iterate based on ongoing feedback.
What is the goal of journey mapping?
The goal is to provide a holistic view of the customer experience, identify and address fragmentation, and standardize customer interactions. This enhances CX management, improves customer satisfaction, and streamlines business operations.
About the Author
Tanvi Moitra, Marketing Associate
About the Author

Tanvi Moitra, Marketing Associate

When not absorbed by researching and writing, Tanvi loves to read, go for a swim, play badminton, paint, and otherwise spend too much time bingeing on the Office and cuddling her cats- Mango, Maple and Misty. An absolute foodie, she would love to cook and bake for you and even give you the best dessert suggestions in the office.

Sreenivasan-Kasi-Viswanathan 1

Sreenivasan Kasi Viswanathan, Director of Customer Experience

Outside of the virtual realm, he spends time taking quiet nature walks with his family (or getting ready for his next encounter with his first love: haute cuisine).

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