Barcelona 2015 was great.
A definitive DrupalCon Barcelona review: it brought thousands together from across the globe, put forward an RC date, and it reminded us how important our work (and our work-life balance) really is.
We had serious, constructive conversations
The Drupal community has always operated openly and honestly—this we know. Barcelona reinforced this modus operandi with straight talk and open discussions. The community as a whole, and its individual members, will have to change the way things get done. This is doable. The Drupal community is nothing if not resilient and innovative.
The Barcelona RC announcement was welcomed
Although Drupal 8 wasn't released at DrupalCon Barcelona, the set RC date was more than enough to celebrate. This RC came out on October 7th, as expected, marking a new dawn for the Open Source world at large.
Looking back, we were really proud to take part
Our all-star team descended on Barcelona to give a session on PHP, help with room mentoring, teach, learn, mingle, and more. Before and it happened we helped answer questions and gave you an infographic with tips. We highlighted key takeaways from our point of view while it was happening. Important conversations (like those on combating burnout) continued after it happened; we added to these conversations by putting forward pointers. But we'll be doing much more in Mumbai...
DrupalCon Asia will be even greater.
Having DrupalCon in Mumbai means bringing Con to a key, highly contributive culture. India is a country of Open Source contribution. Hard-working Drupal enthusiasts call this place home. What you'll encounter in this colorful city is contagious passion, friendly optimism, and sheer dedication to making Drupal great. The Con's venue is the Indian Institute of Technology, an educational powerhouse. Here are five things to be thinking about:
- It'll be a developer based conference
- India is one of the leading contributing countries to Drupal 8
- The second number of hits is from India
- There will be a Drupal Government and Higher Ed summit
- The Con might have some of the spring festivities of Holi
What's Mumbai like?
It's called Bombay by some but Mumbai is correct (and it's what you'll hear at Con). It's one of the world’s most populated cities, the financial capital of India—with a booming economy and multiculturalism everywhere. Bollywood is a huge deal in Mumbai, you'll find a "work hard, party hard" mentality everywhere, and there's a wonderfully inordinate number of dessert shops. You'll see ancient Indian architecture, embellished Victorian buildings, and skyscrapers that mark a city of modern innovation and thriving aspirations. The five major languages here are English, Hindi, Marathi, Gujarati, and Urdu. You’ll encounter gorgeous beaches drawing crowds year round, amazing Indian food, and one of the highest concentrations of Drupalers you’ll ever see.
*Side note, the event's photographer will be our very own Michael Cannon. Reach out to him if you'd like to help.
Going To DCAsia?

Nathan Roach, Director of Marketing
Germany-based consumer of old world wine and the written word. Offline you can find him spending time with his wife and daughter at festivities in the Rhineland.
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